Angry Birds Trilogy: #2
Hello guys, I know you guys are angry because I have not played Angry Birds Trilogy for a while. Today, the birds are back to make more bacon and eggs. Do you guys know the expiration, “the early bird catches the worm”? But, I’m catching pigs butt.
Poached Egg:
1-8: I launched my red bird to hit the boulder to smash the two pigs. But, the boulder hasn’t moved. Well, my bird did roll down to hit the other two pigs. My second bird rolled the boulder and squished the pigs.
Birds used: 2/4 Pigs killed: 4 Stars: 2/3
High Score: 46630 Tries: 2
1-9: I did having some troubles about this level because the wooden building won’t fell down to the pig in the middle. Until, I just real leased I have to shoot to the top. I keep shooting them to the bottom because I’m terrible I science. Well, I am lucky that I’m passing science class and today it’s May.
Birds used: 2/4 Pigs killed: 3 Stars: 2/3
High Score: 47340 Tries: 8
1-10: Now I have a new bird. It’s the blue bird that can clone into 3. I launched the blue bird to hit the tower at back and rolled down to hit the pigs in the front tower. Jokes on him, his tower has glass in the back. The blue birds only brakes glass. And I finally destroyed the tower and the pig.
Birds used: 2/5 Pigs killed: 2 Stars: 3/3
High Score: 65510 Tries: 1
1-11: I launched the red bird and hit the tower. The tower fell down and landed into the two pigs and one on the other tower. Weird, because it’s my first tried and I don’t have to use the blue birds. I guess I got lucky in that level.
Birds used: 1/4 Pigs killed: 4 Stars: 3/3
High Score: 55570 Tries: 1
1-12: I have to use my 3 blue birds to clear the tower because the pigs are under the pile of glass. And I launched my second blue bird and broke the wooden brick. So, the pigs will get squished by a pile of glass.
Birds used: 2/4 Pigs killed: 3 Stars: 3/3
High Score: 56810 Tries: 1
1-13: It’s really hard to get my blue birds to break through the glass and hit the pigs. That tower has hard bricks for the blue birds. I my fourth tries, I finally got to the pigs with only one launch.
Birds used: 1/4 Pigs killed: 3 Stars: 3/3
High Score: 50120 Tries: 4
1-14: I tried to hit the glass so the pile of boulders will fell down and squished the pigs. When my red bird hit the glass, he is stuck in there and I have to wait for him to disappear. When he disappears, the boulders start rolling and hit half of the pigs. I have to launch my second red bird to the other boulders and smashed the rest of the pigs.
Birds used: 2/4 Pigs killed: 10 Stars: 2/3
High Score: 67740 Tries: 4
Okay, I think that is enough for today. By the way, sorry I haven’t played this game for a while. I promise this won’t take for a while. Come back next time on Armas Gaming.