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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: #2


Hi and Booykasha. This week game, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back in action.

2-1: Underground: The turtle are planning to stop Baxter Stockman and then an army of Baxter’s Mousers had found the lair. I have no idea how they found the lair. Now, I’m playing as Raphael again and I was destroying them in one punch. I have no idea why the other turtles are still destroying when they have to be killed. I think it only work when the player is controlling one of the turtles. When I destroy all the Mousers in the area, I went to the dojo and found the mutagen ooze and destroying more Mousers that they come out from a big hole on wall. Man, these things are popping out from everywhere. Next, I go thought a big hole and now they’re in the slinkiest sewer ever. Seriously, the turtles complain about the sewer that they live. I guess everyone in the city is eating chili for lunch. Next, I was fighting Mousers, Foot-Clans and Kraangs. In the next area, there is only one kraang in a flying thing-of-a-jig and shooting out bombs all. Then I beat him, worst fight ever. In the next area, Kraang droids pops out and one of them has a shield. Do you know how hard is it to beat up a person who has a shield and hurting them in the back? Then, I found mutagen ooze and go north and then Mousers pops out. For the next few areas, a gang of Foot-Clans are attacking and I throw one of them into a pile of junk. Why there are boxes and garbage cans in the sewer. Then, two Kraangs in the flying thing-of-a-jing and found another mutagen ooze. In the next few areas, I found a 1+ hearts and go north and two Kraangs in human disguise attacks. Is it me or the Kraangs looks like an army of T-1000 Terminators? But, when the Kraangs are wearing human disguises, they don’t look like a gang of murderers, they look like a gang of business men. Then, I attack the more Mousers and found a secret door that has mutagen ooze inside. And finally I attack the Kraangs and found a tunnel and Mikey thinks there are zombies in there.

Numbers of mutagen ooze found: 4/4

Numbers of enemies defeated: 238

High score: 85,000 My high score: 99,320

2-2: Subway: When the turtles glad they’re out of Stink-topia, now they’re in the subway. First, the Mousers and a Kraang are attacking and the game shows me that I can use a power move. Next, I use the power move to the Mousers and then the Foot comes out. Next area, I was going to use the power move again, but I rather wait when it’s full for a special power move. Raphael’s power move is just hurting enemies with his head. I really need to get my head in the game. Then, I found mutagen ooze. The next area, there are too many enemies to defeat in that area. Who know a scientist can create million tiny robots. Since there’s too many, I have to use the special power move and Raphael makes I line made of fire with his head. Then, the turtles found tunnel to another subway station. Why do they shut down the subway station? I think the only reason is there is an accident. Okay moving on. The next few areas, there’s a really huge Mousers. It’s really hard to destroy a really big Mouser while boulders are dropping in one place. I glad it’s dropping in one place. When the fight in that is over, I found a secret door in the subway train and found mutagen ooze. When I about to go to the next area, I found another mutagen ooze. In the last fight in this level, I use the special power move.

Numbers of mutagen ooze found: 4/4

Numbers of enemies defeated: 425

High score: 145,000 My high score: 176,270

2-3: Stockman Lab: When the turtles found Baxter’s lab, Baxter finishing building the mutagen bomb and start dancing because he thinks he’s awesome. That is the worst dance ever and even he’s wearing his giant robot suit. Next the turtles are ready to fight him, but then Dogpound took the mutagen bomb. And now, it’s a boss battle with Baxter Suckman and his power suit of doom. When Baxter is trying to hit me, he tries to bounce into the middle and starts shooting a laser out of chest. I glad I didn’t get hurt because when he stomps in the middle, a big piles of rocks falls down and I go behind it. Every time he stops shooting the laser, he shuts down while I’m hitting. The laser part is the only way to defeat him. When Stockman is back on, he began to stomp me and punch me. Every time he stop do it, he began to bounce into the middle again and pooping out Mousers or bombs. When I finish defeating him, he tells us about Shredders plans because Leo says his name right. Seriously, he tells them the plans because nobody says his right. He says that Dogpound will use the mutagen bomb to turn everyone in the city into mutants that will destroy the turtles and Master Splinter and Shredder going to rule New York City.

Numbers of mutagen ooze found: 0/0

Numbers of enemies defeated: 63

High score: 30,000 My high score: 41,275

Okay, that enough of being a ninja. Come back next week of Armas Game. Good-bye and Booykasha.

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